Do you fit that criteria? I don't know if all of the above applies to me personally, but I have been climbing into dumpsters throughout this great nation to acquire everything from personal hygiene items to laptops, and yes often for meals, for most of my life. I did so out of NEED, not GREED. When I was very young I made a conscious decision that I no longer wanted to participate in a system which puts a profit over the very people that it was designed to work for, or a society which accepts greed and gluttony as the norms. I didn't hear about any one calling themselves "freegans" out here in the alleys until a few years ago. Now I am not one to put on labels despite many having been put upon me, so I wouldn't call myself a Freegan, but rather that I am "Freeganish". That is to say that I agree with much of the Freegan lifestyle, as I have been living it before the term was even coined, even if it is not always for the same reasons.
To find out more about the Freegan philosophy and what their practices are please visit for more infrormation and facts.